“Our 24-year-old Quarter Horse gelding, JD, has been in our program for three years. JD came to us a newly retired barrel and reining horse looking for a second career as he still had so much left to give of himself.
JD is our go-to horse for new riders as he is steady, reliable, accepting, and patient with our participants who come to us with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He is our most trusted mount for all riders as he builds their confidence and skills to achieve independence. JD’s significant radiant personality excels all of our participants through every stage of equine-assisted mounted and unmounted activities, which includes horse care, grooming, leading, tacking, and untacking.
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Carlin came to us after experiencing a traumatic brain injury, which she is now learning to live with. As an experienced horsewoman and medical professional, she suddenly found herself unable to walk without assistance and being totally dependent on her husband for most of her needs. Once stable enough, she came to us wishing to get back on a horse. Initially, Carlin required a horse leader and two side walkers for total support. On her last lesson of the 2020 season, before heading to warmer weather, she only needed four spotters in the arena while riding her favorite horse JD.
This amazing horse JD gave her the confidence to ride independently at the walk, which was the greatest birthday gift she could ask for. You should have seen the smile on her face! We love that JD is thriving again in a second career as an equine adaptive therapy horse.” —Jacqueline W.
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