“Every week I smell Fancy’s sweet breath and I have the courage to do something that makes me feel brave, strong, free, and good inside.”
“Last summer I found myself in a really bad place. I was barely functional and could barely leave the house. Anxiety and a recurrence of PTSD had me imprisoned. My VA therapist helped me brainstorm what might help break the chains of PTSD and I began researching therapeutic riding.
The first day I came to my lesson I was on the verge of panic. My training team [at StableStrides] introduced me to Fancy, the therapy horse. She is a gorgeous chestnut appaloosa mare. My heart instantly slowed and I began melting into her large chocolate eyes. She breathed slow and warmly into my face with her sweet grassy breath, and all of a sudden, layers of pain and anxiety floated up and away. And that’s where the magic happened.
Between that team and a horse named Fancy, I have broken the chains that were tightening around my soul. Every week I smell Fancy’s sweet breath and I have the courage to do something that makes me feel brave, strong, free, and good inside. I am able to function today because of the help and magic allowed me every week courtesy of Fancy and her heart of pure gold.” —Cari S.