Scarlet has helped me overcome anxiety and changed my life for the better by helping me to trust again.
I am 45 years old and have lived my entire life in an abundance of overwhelming fear. The first time I met Scarlet, I stood beside her and shared with Sheri (her owner) that I felt very anxious.
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She told me to look at Scarlet and when I did, I could see that she was feeling the same way. She mirrored my emotion and helped me to notice, name and release it.
This was about 3 months ago. I’ve meeting with Scarlet and Sheri about 3 times a month and every single time I have a similar experience. Spending time with Scarlet is making me a better human.
She recently helped me see how my insecurities affect my relationships with other people and this has just increased my motivation to continue therapy with Scarlet. I consider her my friend and she is a very good friend to me.
– M. King
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