Tank is a rescue horse that has the biggest heart and oldest soul. He is the type of horse that anyone can ride. Those are who have major disabilities can easily ride Tank (with a lead and side walkers of course!) and independent riders like myself can ride Tank easily.
Read More: [Therapy Horse of the Week: Jehan]
Read More: [How a Therapy Horse Helped a Stroke Survivor Heal]
I started volunteering and riding at Equine Assisted Transitions when traditional couch therapy just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I can stand with Tank and talk his ears off for hours. He will let me lay my head on him and give all the rubs and hugs while I talk.
EAT’s director Susan Garon is a therapist, but honestly, Tank is truly the easiest to talk to. He is an amazing therapist with four legs, and he can make friends everywhere. I think Tank should be recognized because he truly is an amazing horse.
– K. McGinniss
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