“Glory Reins Riding School saved my life in 2019 and continues to be my purpose for living. I was attending an outpatient psychiatric program when I was first introduced to the barn. This program was designed to address my immense grief, PTSD, panic and anxiety disorder, and depression. One outing—my favorite in the program—was participating every other week in equine therapy with Dede (one of the founders), her six horses, Bentley the therapy dog, and numerous volunteers.
At the time I felt lost, trying to figure out who I am in this changed life. With all my sorrow, fear, and doubt, I found it difficult to continue living each day. What was my purpose? What is the point of life? I was not able to answer these questions until coming to the barn.
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I found the purpose, the point, the will to live on, by giving myself selflessly to Glory Reins Riding School. Whatever the barn task, I put my full heart into it, freeing my mind and easing any tension. It literally all goes away at the barn. Barn tasks vary from cleaning stalls, setting up the feed, grooming and tacking, assisting with lessons, riding, and most importantly, just being with the horses and Bentley, exchanging our verbal and non-verbal dialogue.
Dede has inspired me to look deeper into myself, to challenge all the chatter in my mind, and to find clarity and peace. The six horses, each with their unique personalities and strengths, seem to always know what to give on a particular day to help bring a sense of calm.
In particular, the first horse I bonded with was Angelo, whom I now call my horse-husband. His sensitivity and unique touch gently settles my anxiety and immediately uplifts my mood. Last but not least, Bentley taught me to love again despite the tremendous fear within me.
This is the powerful healing at Glory Reins Riding School.” —Julie GL
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