Piper has a special way of connecting with foster children that have been let down by others. Photo courtesy J. Cleveland.

Piper is an awesome therapy horse that can break down walls clients build around themselves after being hurt by others.

She is patient, sweet, and willing to help. Piper has demonstrated amazing ability to assist clients with building healthy relationships. Relationships can be a really scary thing for kids impacted by foster care when relationships that were supposed to last forever have left them broken and hurt.

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One client who tried to push people away as a defense for never getting hurt again, found Piper coming to her on her own in session as if saying “I can see the real you and you are not the scary person you pretend to be.” Piper has time and again offered her friendship for healing.

Piper herself has been hurt in the past before coming to the center and has extensive scar tissue on her hind leg that requires care and supplements. She doesn’t let this vulnerability stop her and still gives everyday her all!

– J. Cleveland

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