Kizzy the pony mare has been at GRIT Therapeutic Horsemanship for the past two and a half years. She is a horse with a story of redemption.
As a foal, she suffered a significant trauma from being attacked by a stallion, and she would have died, but fate saved her when she landed on the opposite side of a fence to safety. To this day she is left with scars that have provided empathy to Veterans while petting her.
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Kizzy is one of those horses who struggled to find a place that was the right fit for her and was brought to GRIT in hopes to find her a job. She got off to a rocky start and there was question if she could fit in to the program at GRIT, but with some convincing from a person who saw Kizzy for the horse she knew she could be, she stayed and has since bloomed into an affectionate, goofy, troublesome, demanding, and talented pony—the perfect blend of characteristics to teach kids how to be assertive, independent, and patient.
Sometimes all it takes is for one being to see and believe in the real you. Kizzy found her home and now has a job that she loves. She is a great example of staying true to herself while also learning to adapt to a new environment in order to be the best version of who she is meant to be.
– H. Turner
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